Andró Griessel: Dink mooi oor aftreegeld, verband

Andró Griessel: Dink mooi oor aftreegeld, verband Moet ek my aftreegeld opeis en die geld in my verband sit? Dis ’n vraag wat finansiële adviseurs gereeld kry en ons tipiese antwoord (myne inkluis) is gewoonlik ’n selfversekerde “nee”. By die redes waarom die standaard-antwoord “nee” is, en dit waarskynlik in die meeste gevalle ook die […]
Should I cash in my pension fund and invest in my mortgage?

Should I cash in my pension fund and invest in my mortgage? We are often approached by analytical clients with this question. For those with an accounting or actuarial background the motivation for such a move is more often than not, a no-brainer. The first and only requirement is (should be) that the rate of […]