How ethical are penalties, fees?

How ethical are penalties, fees? “Reasonable” services questioned By Andró Griessel 26 June 2021 The penalties charged on the pre-mature cancellation of contractual savings products have been bugging me since 2004. Turn the clock forward another 17 years and like the cat with nine lives or the robot from The Terminator, this unethical practice just […]
Hoe eties is boetes, fooie?

Deur Andró Griessel Vrae oor ‘billike’ dienste Daar is iets wat my al van 2004 af pla en dit is sogenaamde beëindigingsgelde op kontraktuele spaarplanne. Draai die horlosie 17 jaar verder en soos die kat met nege lewens of daardie robot in Terminator, sterf dié na my mening onetiese praktyk eenvoudig net nie uit nie. […]