Wat is die resep vir sukses?

Wat is die resep vir sukses? ’n Jong kollega vra my die ander dag: Wat is die verskil tussen mense wat suksesvol is en dié wat nie is nie? Hy het natuurlik verwys na finansiële sukses. Voordat ek hierdie vraag probeer beantwoord, is dit die moeite werd om die ooglopende uit te wys – finan­siële […]

What is the recipe for success?

What is the recipe for success? A young colleague asked me the other day: “What makes the difference between those who achieve success and those who don’t?” With this question, he was just referring to financial success. Before we try to answer this question, I think it might be worthwhile to point out the obvious […]

Bly kalm, al lyk dit of Skip SA sink

Bly kalm, al lyk dit of Skip SA sink Enigiemand wat onlangs die dramatiese transitorooftog in Johannesburg gade geslaan het en ver­lede week toegekyk het hoe ­Pravin Gordhan as minister van finansies afgedank word, sal vergewe word as hulle dink die Suid-Afrikaanse skip is aan die sink en sedert die begin van die week besig […]

Andró Griessel: Is daar ‘n resep vir kitswelvaart?

Andró Griessel: Is daar ‘n resep vir kitswelvaart? Wat is die resep vir kitswelvaart? Laat ons nou maar eerlik wees, wys my iemand wat nie belangstel in die resep vir vinnige welvaart nie, en ek wys aan jou ’n leuenaar. Dié soeke na die pot goud aan die einde van die reënboog is dan ook […]

How to get rich quick

How to get rich quick Let’s be honest, we all love the idea of overnight success or getting rich quickly. It is this idea that drives the classic emails I receive all too often. The “have you heard of XYZ? I know it looks too good to be true but I have done some research […]

Stay calm, even though it looks like Ship SA is sinking

Stay calm, even though it looks like Ship SA is sinking Anyone who followed the reports on the dramatic cash in transit heist at the OR Tambo Airport followed by the sacking of our (first choice) finance minister, can be forgiven for thinking that Ship SA is heading for the rocks. Before you start packing, […]

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