What to do with Naspers

Does the sharp decline in share price create a crisis or opportunity? By Andró Griessel 02/04/2022 There’s one stock that has been a hot topic as of late; we are, of course, talking about Naspers. The share price has declined by more than 50% over the past 12 months. To see half of your investment […]

Hoe gemaak met Naspers

Die vraag is – skep skerp prysdaling ’n krisis of ’n geleentheid? Deur Andró Griessel 02/04/2022 As daar nou een aandeel is wat deesdae op almal se lippe is, dan is dit Naspers. Naspers se aandeelprys het met meer as 50% gedaal oor die afgelope 12 maande. Om die helfte van jou belegging te sien […]

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