Recipe for the Eighth Wonder

Time is the secret ingredient your investments need By Samuel Rossouw 4/5/2024 Investment guru Warren Buffett often refers to compound interest as the eighth wonder of the world. But how does this wonder actually work in practice? Do I need to start saving at 14 like Mr. Buffett, or can I only begin using my […]
Resep vir die agtste wonder

Tyd is die geheime bestanddeel wat jou beleggings nodig het Deur Samuel Rossouw 4/5/2024 Die beleggingsghoeroe Warren Buffett verwys gereeld na saamgestelde rente as die agtste wonder van die wêreld. Maar hoe werk hierdie wonder nou eintlik in die praktyk? Moet ek soos mnr. Buffett op 14-jarige ouderdom begin spaar, of my geld eers ná […]