Is Ramaphosa = Good times ahead?

Is Ramaphosa = Good times ahead? Mr. GJ van der Merwe from Ceres always used to say, “a fish rots from the head down.” South Africans saw this in practice over the last 9 years. Now that we are finally rid of Zuma, South Africans have a spring in their step once again. All of […]
Is Cyril = Goeie tye vir jou sak?

Is Cyril = Goeie tye vir jou sak? Oom GJ van der Merwe van Ceres het altyd gesê “ ’n vis vrot van sy kop af” . . . en hoe het ons dit nie in praktyk gesien die afgelope nege jaar nie! Ons is uiteindelik ontslae van Jacob Zuma en dit is asof daar […]