Die buiteland roep, maar . . .

Waak teen paniek of gierigheid om beleggingsbesluite te rig Deur Andró Griessel 30/3/2024 Teen die einde van die tweede kwartaal van verlede jaar was die algehele waarde van internasionale aandelemarkte R109 000 miljard, of R109 000 000 000 000, met die verdeling van die koek wat in die grafika hiernaas uiteengesit word. Die JSE verteenwoordig […]

Offshore is calling, but…

Guard against panic or greed guiding investment decisions By Andró Griessel 30/3/2024 By the end of the second quarter of last year, the overall value of international stock markets was R109 trillion, or R109,000,000,000,000, with the breakdown of the pie outlined in the graphic below. The JSE represents just a fraction more than 1% of […]

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