Vererwing: Hier is ’n plan

Vererwing: Hier is ’n plan In die eerste artikel oor vererwing deur middel van ’n groot lewenspolis (Kliek hier om meer te lees), het ek aangevoer dat mense “buite die boks” moet dink aangesien daar dalk ’n slang “binne die boks” is. Ek probeer vandag verduidelik hoe dit buite die boks kan lyk… Laat ek […]
Inheritance: Here’s a plan

Inheritance: Here’s a plan In the first article that I wrote on inheritance by means of a comprehensive life policy (Click here to read more), I argued that people should think outside of the box, as it might be risky not to. Today I’ll try to explain what you might encounter outside of the box… […]
Think twice about the inheritance you leave behind

Think twice about the inheritance you leave behind We frequently come across a situation where clients try to sort out their children’s bequests through life insurance, while other fixed assets (such as a farm or a company) are transferred while the testator is still alive. This strategy is popular among farmers where the son becomes […]
Dink mooi oor vererwing

Dink mooi oor vererwing Ons kom gereeld die “plan” teë waar daar deur middel van versekering probeer word om sekere kinders se erflating uit te sorteer, terwyl ander vaste bates (soos ’n plaas of ’n onderneming) “erf” terwyl die erflater nog leef. Dit is veral ’n gewilde strategie onder boere waar die seun argumentsonthalwe kom […]
Is Ramaphosa = Good times ahead?

Is Ramaphosa = Good times ahead? Mr. GJ van der Merwe from Ceres always used to say, “a fish rots from the head down.” South Africans saw this in practice over the last 9 years. Now that we are finally rid of Zuma, South Africans have a spring in their step once again. All of […]
Is Cyril = Goeie tye vir jou sak?

Is Cyril = Goeie tye vir jou sak? Oom GJ van der Merwe van Ceres het altyd gesê “ ’n vis vrot van sy kop af” . . . en hoe het ons dit nie in praktyk gesien die afgelope nege jaar nie! Ons is uiteindelik ontslae van Jacob Zuma en dit is asof daar […]
Is this 2018 or 2008?

Is this 2018 or 2008? If you are an aggressive investor in growth assets, you’ll be excused if you open your March quarterly statement and think someone has played an April fools’ joke on you. I reckon the period since November was the toughest 5 months for investors in the last decade. Only the big […]
Is hierdie 2018 of 2008?

Is hierdie 2018 of 2008? As jy ‘n “aggressiewe” belegger in groeibates is sal jy verskoon word as jy jou Maart kwartaalstaat oopmaak en dink iemand het ‘n April-gek grap op jou gespeel. Die afgelope 5 kalender maande (sedert November) was wat ek kon sien die moeilikste vir beleggers in groeibates in ‘n dekade. Slegs […]
Pedal through the tough times

Pedal through the tough times A friend of mine talked me into entering a 40km mountain bike event the other day in Paarl. The fact that I have been on a bike only once this year before – in the mountains of Slovenia that almost led to an international medical evacuation (read heart attack on […]
Buitelandse beleggings: ‘Sit als op rooi!’

Buitelandse beleggings: ‘Sit als op rooi!’ Daar is ’n luide gejuig (of is dit ’n gekreun) by een van die roulette-tafels in die casino. ’n George Clooney-kloon stap geïnteresseerd nader. Hy sien waaroor die konsternasie gaan. Die bord bokant die roulette-tafel wys dat die laaste 11 nommers almal swart was. Die man skuif ’n pak […]