Monitor your instrument panel

Hoping for the best is not an investment strategy By Elmie de Jager 1/7/2023 It is unlikely that any pilot will undertake long and demanding flights without going through a meticulous process. Before embarking on their journey, pilots determine the distance to be covered, ascertain the necessary fuel quantity, assess the prevailing weather conditions, and […]

Hou die instrumentpaneel dop

“Hoop vir die beste” is nie ’n beleggingstrategie nie Deur Elmie de Jager 1/7/2023 Geen vlieënier (in elk geval geen lewende een nie) het al ooit ’n lang en moeilike vlug aangepak deur net in te klim sonder enige plan nie. Hy stel eers vas hoe ver hy moet vlieg, hoeveel brandstof hy benodig, hoe […]

Werklikheid vs. Teorie

Die pad na die eindbestemming van belegging is nie gelyk Deur Andró Griessel 3/12/2022 Het jy al die ervaring gehad dat jy by ’n finansiële adviseur aanklop vir hulp met jou beleggings en wanneer daar oor verwagte opbrengste gesels word, verwys die adviseur na ’n langtermyninflasieverwante opbrengs, tipies inflasie + 5% of iets dergeliks? Soms […]

Reality vs. Theory

The path to an investment’s end destination is not level By Andró Griessel 3/12/2022 Have you ever had the experience of consulting your financial advisor for help with your investments and when talking about expected returns, the advisor refers to a long-term inflation-related return, typically inflation + 5% or something similar? Sometimes a simplified 10% […]

Aankoopprys bepaal sukses

Tyd in die mark beter as tydsberekening – feit of mite? Deur Andró Griessel 3/9/2022 Jy het dalk al dikwels die opmerking gehoor: “Dit is tyd in die mark wat tel, nie tydsberekening van die mark nie.” Ek het self hierdie woorde al baie geuiter en daar skuil ’n mate van waarheid en natuurlik ’n […]

Purchase price determines success

Time in the market better than timing the market – fact or fiction? By Andró Griessel 3/9/2022 You may have often heard the remark: “It’s time in the market that counts, not timing the market.” I have uttered these words a lot and there is some truth to it and is, of course, said with […]

Vra die regte vrae

… dan kry jy beter antwoorde oor beleggingskeuses Deur Samuel Rossouw 07/05/2022 Ek wonder dikwels wat die rede is vir die vrae wat voornemende kliënte vra wanneer ek hulle vir die eerste keer ontmoet. Hulle probeer waarskynlik om ’n beter begrip te kry van die geskiktheid van die advies, maar dikwels gee hierdie vrae vir […]

Ask the right questions

…to make better investment decisions By Samuel Rossouw 07/05/2022 I often wonder why prospective clients ask certain questions when I meet them for the first time. They are probably trying to gain a better understanding of the suitability of the advice, but often these questions give the experienced salesman the ammunition to sell his products […]

Making no decision is also a decision

By Andró Griessel Decisions, whether they are made or not, determine the way your life turns out. I cannot emphasize this enough. You can decide not to make a decision, but this in itself is also a decision, and has consequences. The ability to make good decisions about a variety of aspects of your life […]

Be mindful of rand depreciation panic

By Andró Griessel The past teaches valuable lessons about what might follow Would you believe me if I tell you that I know what you Googled exactly 5 years ago? I can at least make a reasonable guess. It was probably “who the hell is Des van Rooyen”? On 9 December 2020, it was exactly […]

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